
Sunday, July 19, 2015


"You can't teach an old dog new tricks"

I'm sure many of you are familiar with this old adage, but I want to challenge you to shatter this misconception.  Everyone can learn 'new tricks' and has the ability to make real change in their life.  They key to doing so is making the choice to change...every single day!  As a child and a teen I was always involved in some sort of competitive sport and constantly stayed active.  As a young adult I fell out of my old ways and into a bag of potato chips, bowl of popcorn, and occasionally a bottle of wine.  I saw the nasty changes to my body and to my energy level, so for a good while I hit the gym 5-6 days a week and managed to get back into shape. 

Then...the ex came along.  I devoted all my time to him and none of it to myself and fell back into my old habits easier than I'd like to admit.  The toxic relationship with my ex ended a few years ago, but it has taken me a while to get back on my feet and get my life together.  During this time I have developed an avid skill of crafting perfectly constructed excuses for myself as to why I can't work out.  The gym is too expensive.  It's too hot outside.  It's too cold outside.  I don't want to meet new people because I am moving soon.  Or my favorite...I really need to watch this episode of (insert name of random sitcom here).  How weak is that...a TV show about FAKE characters is NOT more important than my REAL LIFE!

It's taken me a while to realize this and to really commit myself to become healthier.  I have made myself empty promises to eat healthier then binged a plate of brownies when I got home from work.  I have been jealous of other woman who are confident in their bodies because they live a healthy lifestyle then ate a pizza.  My thoughts and my actions were constantly in conflict and I began to feel disappointment in myself.  This disappointment is what led me here.  I went to target to by a new hair brush and left with a fitness book called 28 Days to FIT, FIERCE, and FABULOUS.  Tone It Up.  This book if full of inspiration and is designed for real women like me and you.  I encourage everyone to grab a copy and to check out their website

I am starting the workout portion of this 28 day journey to a new and more fabulous me and I can't wait.  Join me on this journey and let's all be the best Us we can be!